Back Care Program Lectures and Workshops- General public

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 10 June 2017 | 0 Comments

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Lecture 1- Core Activation and fundamental movement patterns

 The first lecture covers these topics among other things:

- The connection between proper breathing patterns and core stabilization. 

diaphragm breath inspiration

- Activation of core stabilization from the inside out

core bracing inside out

- Fundamental back saving movement patterns like a proper squats and hip hinge

dying bug2 copy

flexion over IAP

Lecture 2 – Core Stabilization from the inside out and Back saving movement patterns

  The second lecture covers these topics among other things:

- Core stabilization strategies in various postural positions

core 2

- The importance of the thoracic spine for both the upper and lower back

IMG 0348

- Active Stance with good joint centration

New Image

Lecture 3 – Neck, Shoulder and upper extremity program

- Exercises and care advice for neck and shoulders


Lecture 4 – Lumbar spine, hips and lower extremity program

- Exercises and care advice for lower back and hips


All sessions contain a 30 minutes lecture followed by a 60 minutes exercise workshop where the participants are actively performing exercises under supervision. The participants are encouraged to wear loose fitting clothing to allow for full movement during the exercise sessions. 

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