Intra-Abdominal Pressure

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 6 January 2012 | 0 Comments
Most people are not aware that sufficient intra-abdominal pressure is crucial for good core-stabilization. Core-stabilization from the inside out is driven by proper activation of the diaphragm. the full post

Janda first notes

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 28 December 2011 | 0 Comments
Functional pathology of the motor system is a term used to describe, in various musculoskeletal syndromes, the pathogenitical importance of the impaired function rather than the structural lesions. An impaired function is often associated with pain, both acute as well as chronic. the full post


Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 10 November 2011 | 2 Comments
There is a vast amount of confusion regarding some of the most frequently used phrases and concepts in the fitness industry. There is a complete lack of universally accepted definitions regarding what constitutes the core as well as proper descriptions of core-stabilization and core-strength. the full post

Try to make it harder

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 21 October 2011 | 0 Comments
The best advice I can give to anyone who wishes to take their training to the next level is to start making the training as hard as possible. It is far too common to see gym-goers standing around doing absolutely nothing else other than talking to friends or doing some strange exercises with minimal weights. Sometimes it is a difficult task even trying to figure out what they are training. the full post

A new exciting group is emerging

Posted by Hans Lindgren DC on 15 September 2011 | 1 Comments
Most professions are steadily evolving as a result of new discoveries, research and internal and external demands. The health and fitness industry is definitively no exception, rather the opposite. Not only do the entire health professions change, but new groups are also developing within the different disciplines based on personal interest, exposure to new ideas, and personal experiences. the full post

Busting the core myths … again!

Posted by By Hans Lindgren DC on 5 August 2011 | 0 Comments
Over the last decade we have been inundated with different methods of strengthening the core, and not long after has there often been others describing them as ineffective and have been calling it “busting the myths about the core”. the full post